(more) animations

Whether representational or abstract, stop motion animation is a labor of love for me, and a practice of patience. The materials, or “puppets,” I use for stop motion animations are sourced from my ever-evolving collection of found objects, as well as my meticulous line drawings. I am a collector of commonly used and recycled materials such as security envelopes; scraps of paper, fabric, and metal; printed cardboard; miniature toys and plastics, rust, castaway objects, and other treasures I encounter and recycle in daily life. My line drawings are often of objects that I collect: kitchen tools, hammers, wrenches, parts and pieces of larger machinery. I often anthropomorphize these objects when rendering them, and then create copies of them at various scales, cut them out, and these become the “puppets” for the animations. The objects I collect, and those that I draw, have both known and anonymous histories that evoke utility, wear and tear, and journeys from birth to the beyond. Through the combination of moving images, text, and sound, I create worlds that reflect both reality/ies and fantasy/ies, worlds where the objects within take their cues from everyday life, and then build worlds of their own. My work addresses issues of identity, culture, chaos, consumption, invention, collective action, as well as play.

